Friday 26 August 2016

Plateau State Premier League Update: John Pofi Foundation Football Academy 2-1 Against Fly Arrows Football Club

John Pofi Foundation Football team on Thursday was defeated by BitrusBewarang Football Academy in their second leg match, after a 1-0 victory over Galaxy Football Club, but the team were not discourage by  the defeat, today they once again prove that they are the number one contender for the cup.

Determine to dictate the pace of the match; JPFA went on in an early rampage with Nanchin the captain scoring the first goal and finally Mambo broke the deadlock 40th minute, whenhe scored the second goal which brings the match to an end with 2-1 victory in favour of John Pofi Foundation Football Academy.

 Indeed John Pofi Foundation Football team worked together as a team. There were no selfish play in the attack, who to score was not the prime objective for the players upfront as each player used the nearest option available when necessary. The team will be playing their next match against DeBleths FC tomorrow.

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