Friday 22 April 2016

John Pofi Foundation Football Academy (JPFA) Building Peace and Capacity through Football

Football is an international and National language. It has the ability to cross cultures and  enables related programmes to bridge social and ethnic divides.Sport can be a powerful tool to Promote peace, on the global , National,  and on  Community level.

                                   John Pofi Foundation Football Academy 

                        CEO and technical manager addressing captains of the team

The power of football can be used as a force for preventing conflict as well as an element for building sustainable peace when applied effectively. Sports programmes promote social integration and foster tolerance.  

John Pofi Foundation Football Academy in Training

One important attribute of sport is its capacity to connect peoples and communities in an extremely effective manner.
When they are inclusive, these communities turn into important sources of social networking fostering their capacity to work in a cooperative manner. 

Considering the importance of sport in youth development and fostering of peace, the foundation establishes a football academy and a football club called the John Pofi Foundation Academy to engage youth. Football matches was organized between John Pofi Foundation football club versus Vom football club, the match ended draw (1:1), John Pofi Foundation football club versus Lamingo football club ended (2:1) , in favor of John Pofi Fc., Mobile Grenade football club versus John Pofi Foundation football club the match ended draw (2:2).

                                                   John Pofi Foundation Football Academy in Prayer

More Pictures of John Pofi Foundation Football Academy

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